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Monday, February 7, 2011

A revolution?

So after Hone Harawira has been suspended from the Maori Party, his nephew has called for Maori to uprise against the government. So New Zealand could be the next Egypt.I think not. Why is reverse racism so rife in New Zealand. We bend over backwards to give the Maori's back their land and their fishing rights. What next? Im not racist and have many maori friends but sometimes some of these people just go too far. Lets try and live in Harmony observing the laws of the land that WE ALL have put in place by observing our democratic right to vote for the people WE Believe will run our country properly.. There cannot be one law for you and one for me, thats not how a democracy works. People like Hone Harawira and his cohorts give New Zealanders at large a bad name. Perhaps we shouldnt give them the air time they so crave. The Prime Minister said this morning that the protesters at the weekends Waitangi Celebrations disappeared once the cameras were turned off. That speaks volumes doesnt it!!!

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