Honesty is the best policy so the saying goes. But how many of us are actually totally honest?
How many of us act the way we think people expect us to act? I have woken up this morning feeling angry about life because i cant be totally honest, having to hide my true feelings about certain situations in life. I thought I had come out of the closet but it seems that it is necessary to keep some things in check. Is our social conditioning such that we have to hide behind a facade. This can only lead to pent up angst and ultimately hurt. It hurts those around us and at the end of the day we hurt ourselves the most.
So as much as we can, lets be true to ourselves and honest about the things that matter in life. Life is too short for us not to be!!!
I can't think of anything you would need to keep in check round me. Unfortunately though, people by nature are very judgy.