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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Outrage is right

Just watched the movie Outrage a documentary about closeted gay politicians in the States. Now I'm not a political animal but boy do they have issues in Washington. The gay hate crimes are shocking, but the politicians who vote against reform that would stop bigotry against homosexuals  and who are closeted gays themselves is apalling. You all get caught out in the end boys and girls,what goes around comes around.
Interestingly I can find no references to any lawsuits brought about by this movie which one would think would be a logical course of action if these politicians thought they were being slandered.
I enjoyed the movie, it was informative although just a little bit potically biased.
There is no justufication for hypocricy.

1 comment:

  1. hey michael check ou tthe trevor project , its american, found out about it this morning... a great project but for a very sad reason indeed.
